Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Training in Human Rights Education

    The COMPASS Training Courses in Human Rights Education are strategic national or regional activities for the development of competences of key multipliers for human rights education with young people.

    The training courses can be organised at the initiative of national youth organisations or institutions interested in advancing the provisions and quality of human rights education and implementing the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education.


    Eligible applicants

    • non-governmental youth organisations and/or other non-governmental organisations (including national branches/members of European youth organisations);
    • governmental organisations focused on human rights, youth and/or education;
    • institutions involved in human rights education;
    • national networks of human rights activists and/or human rights educators
    • must be legally registered in a state party to the European Cultural Convention;
    • must be entitled to carry out the activities described in its project proposal

    Partnerships between different types of organisations are encouraged.


    Eligible national/regional training courses must

    • aim at developing the competences (knowledge, skills, attitudes and values) of key multipliers in human rights education with young people such as youth leaders, trainers, youth workers, teachers and teacher trainers;
    • foresee a follow-up of the course by the participants, including for example measures to support national networks of organisations and trainers/multipliers involved inhuman rights education with young people;
    • foresee a programme and methodology based on the approaches outlined in Compass (an introduction to Compass and its approaches; experience in using the manual and how to adapt it to the participants’ contexts is considered essential);
    • support and advocate for EDC/HRE at national level based on the Council of Europe Charter on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education;
    • foresee a follow-up of the course by the participants, including for example measures to support national networks of organisations and trainers/multipliers involved in human rights education with young people;
    • provide the participants with copies of Compass in their language(s), where this is possible;
    • envisage linking with and building upon previous initiatives, projects and programmes on human rights education with young people at national level.
    • be prepared for, and open to, participants from a variety of organisations and institutions;
    • have a minimum duration of 4 consecutive working days;
    • involve at least 18 and a maximum of 40 participants/learners.


    Support provided by The Council of Europe:

    a) Financial support in the form of grants of up to 6,000 Euro;

    b) Institutional support; 

    c) Educational support.

    The organisers of training courses will be invited for a preparatory meeting in February 2024. 


    Implementation period

    Projects should start on 1st April 2024 and shall be fully implemented by 30th November 2024.


    Deadline: 4 January 2024, 23:00 CET.


    Read more here.