Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Traineeships at EESC

    The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is an advisory body that gives Europe’s economic and social partners (i.e. employers, trade unions, representatives of small businesses, farmers’ associations, consumers, etc.) the chance to issue their formal opinion on EU policies. 

    Twice a year the EESC organises in-service training periods of long (five months) and short duration (one to three months).

    The main aims of the in-service training are:

    to conclude and apply knowledge acquired by the trainee during his/her studies or work;

    to provide the trainee with practical understanding of the working of the EESC’s various departments;

    to enable the trainees to gain experience through contacts established in day-to-day work.

    The different types of traineeship offered by the EESC are:


    I. Long traineeships

    Candidates are university graduates and have a diploma by the application’s closing date. Candidates are nationals of the Member States of the European Union. However, a limited number of nationals of non-Member States may also be accepted. They must have a thorough knowledge of one EU language and a satisfactory knowledge of another EU language, one of which must be English or French. 

    Long traineeships last for five months and are arranged twice a year: from 16 February to 15 July (spring session) and from 16 September to 15 February (autumn session).

    Trainees receive a monthly grant of 1.418,20 EUR. Trainees who are already paid, may not receive any financial contribution.


    Application periods:

    – 1st  July – 30th September (Spring traineeship Feb-July)

    – 3rd January – 31st March  (Autumn traineeship Sep-Feb)


    Application forms and more information can be obtained here.


    II. Short traineeships will be opening soon.

    These traineeships take place at any time of the year, except July and August and they last for a period of one or three months.

    Candidates are university students who are studying at a university or a higher education establishment for whom such a traineeship is compulsory for the completion of their studies.

    Candidates have a thorough knowledge of one EU language and a satisfactory knowledge of another EU language, one of which must be English or French. Trainees receive a monthly grant that corresponds to 50% of the monthly amount granted to long-term trainees.