Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Kodu Kup Europe Competition

    Launched by European Schoolnet and Microsoft the competition challenges European pupils from 6 to 16 years old and their teachers to create their own games using the Kodu Game Lab tool (a visual programming language for creating games, accessible for children as young as 6 year olds) and thus learning the basics of coding.

    The competition is open to participants from eight countries: Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, Norway, Portugal, and UK.
    Teams can be up to four members enrolled at the same school.

    Teachers will have  to submit their entry by clicking here.
    They will have to upload two files: the kodu game and the game cover, available here.
    All entry materials can be submitted in the following languages (EN, GR, NL, FR).
    All team members must be within the 6 to 16 age group. 

    One finalist team will be chosen from each country to take part in a European Coding Camp held at the Microsoft Headquarters in Brussels in October 2014, during the European Coding Week, where the European winner will be awarded.
    Deadline: was 15 September 2014 (for schools from Belgium, Finland, Greece, Estonia and Lithuania).

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