Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    ESF+ SI Unemployment

    This is a Call for proposals for EU grants tackling Long-Term Unemployment under the European Social Fund+ (ESF+) Social Innovation+ (SI+) initiative. The aim is to scale up proven and promising social innovations aimed at the integration of the long-term unemployed into the labour market and fostering their social inclusion.

    Eligible applicants must be

    A consortium of at least 2 legal entities (public or private bodies) representing 2 different eligible countries: EU Member States; countries associated to the ESF+ (Iceland, Montenegro, Norway and Serbia). 

    Among these entities at least one legal entity must demonstrate a proven track record of experience in the field of long-term unemployment. An entity may only participate as the coordinator in one consortium.

    Eligible projects

    Projects are expected to reflect all 3 key areas:

    • cooperation with local employment stakeholders and partnerships between local employers and communities
    • improving the mobilisation (mapping and outreach) of long-term unemployed persons
    • providing an individualised, accessible, and inclusive approach for long-term unemployed persons.


    The expected duration of a project is 36 months.


    The overall grant budget is EUR 23 000 000. The estimated size of a grant is between EUR 1 000 000 and EUR 3 000 000 per project.

    Deadline: 30 September 2024, 17.00 CET 

    Read more here.