Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    BEST courses of technology

    BEST, Board of European Students of Technology, is a non-profit student organisation. It is run by students, working for students. BEST organises different activities where students from member universities get the opportunity to increase their international experience, establish contacts, improve their English and have fun. Each BEST Course is attended by 20-30 students of engineering.


    Local BEST groups arrange short (1-2 weeks long) courses throughout the year, where engineering students get the chance to learn more about a specific topic in their field of interest. BEST also organises seminars on educational issues, engineering competitions and leisure events.


    You can find a list of BEST courses here.



    The organising local BEST group takes care of accommodation and subsistence during the entire event, transportation to lectures and all activities related to the contents of the event, teaching and material costs and social activities.

    Depending on the situation of the local BEST group, there might be a participation fee.

    The maximum fee is 5 Euros per day (but no more than 80 EUR). 



    Who can apply

    • Students of technology from universities with a Local BEST Group. You can find a list here.
    • Students from universities belonging to partner organisations.


    How to apply

    Choose your activity and follow the instructions.

    The organising local BEST group receives the applications, and makes a selection on regional aspects, the motivation letter and on the educational background of the applicant.


    Next deadline: 9 March 2025, 23:00 CET (applications will open on 9 Feb 2025, 23:00 CET).

    BEST Symposia on Education

    BEST Symposia on Education are symposia events that last for around 6-10 days. They gather students of technology and professors from Europe with the purpose of evaluating and finding new paths for higher education in Europe. BSEs are events with the same format as BEST Courses, involving 20-25 students to discuss education-related topics, trying to identify problems and solutions to innovate and develop education in Europe.


    A list of BEST Symposia on Education is available here.


    Deadline: 9 March 2025, 23:00 CET (applications will open on 9 Feb 2025, 23:00 CET).