Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    EDF Photo Competition

    The European Disability Forum, under the 2023 motto “Breaking Barriers – Stories and voices of women and girls with disabilities” is inviting all EU/EEA citizens or residents from all ages to join the competition and submit one image that breaks down stereotypes surrounding women with disabilities from diverse cultural, background, and/or ethnic contexts.


    Who can participate

    The competition is open to EU/EEA citizens or residents from all ages.


    How to apply

    Participants must submit:

    • A short description in English including the author’s name, and the city and country where the photo was taken.
    • A signed copy of the Rights Authorization. Two signatures are needed, one from the person who took the picture and one from the person(s) appearing IN the picture
    • One original single high-resolution photo (300dpi) with image description or one original single artistic representation (comics and drawings) with image description telling the story.

    Each participant may submit one entry.



    1st place award: 500 euros;

    2nd place award: 300 euros;

    3rd place award: 200 euros.


    Deadline: 15 December 2023, 23.59 CET.


    Read more here.