Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    CME-Individual Mobility

    Culture Moves Europe offers grants to artists, cultural professionals and host organisations in all Creative Europe countries who work in the sectors of architecture, cultural heritage, design and fashion design, literary translation, music, performing arts, and visual arts.

    Culture Moves Europe consists of two actions:

    • Individual mobility for artists and cultural professionals;
    • Residencies for host organisations.


    The Individual Mobility Action of Culture Moves Europe gives financial support to artists or cultural professionals residing in a Creative Europe country and going to another Creative Europe country to implement a project with an international partner (organisation or individual). 



    • Artists and culture professionals from the Culture Strand of the Creative Europe programme (individuals or groups of up to 5 people) who are at least 18 years old and reside legally in a Creative Europe country
    • Applicants legally residing in Ukraine can apply for virtual mobility.


    Mobility Conditions

    The mobility duration includes travel time and project implementation:

    • Individual mobility: between 7 and 60 days,
    • Groups mobility: (2 to 5 people) between 7 and 21 days;
    • Only one application per applicant;
    • Beneficiaries of an i-Portunus mobility grant are eligible;
    • Beneficiaries from the Culture Moves Europe Mobility Scheme cannot re-apply;
    • Grants cannot be awarded for actions and projects already completed.



    The grant is composed of a travel allowance (between 350 EUR and 700 EUR), a daily allowance (75 EUR per person) and individual top-ups. 

    The mobility grant includes:

    • Travel costs from the place of residence to the place of destination.
    • Daily allowance 
    • Extra costs and top-ups to support people from various backgrounds and profiles and promote more sustainable or slow travel.


    How to apply

    – Create an account on the Goethe-Application Portal;

    – apply in English, through the Goethe-Application Portal.



    The first rolling call is until 31 May 2024, 23:59 CEST.

    During the rolling call period, a ‘cut-off’ date will be set on the last day of each month. All applications received during that month will be evaluated.

    The cut-off dates are the following:

    • 31 October 2023, 23:59 CET,
    • 30 November 2023, 23:59 CET,
    • 31 January 2024, 23:59 CET,
    • 29 February 2023, 23:59 CET,
    • 31 March 2024, 23:59 CET,
    • 30 April 2024, 23:59 CEST
    • 31 May2024 , 23:59 CEST.


    Read more here.