24-hour Thinkathon
Do you want to shape our inclusive digital future by building on technical advancements? Make sure your voice is heard join the 24-hour Thinkathon project funded by the European Union.
You have a unique opportunity to influence policies to achieve an inclusive digital society.
Connect with driven young people from Europe and Canada on a local and international level and share your opinions on how we can build our future society in a modern digital context! Network, develop new skills and influence topics that are important to you and the world!
You’ll also have the chance to win a trip to Frankfurt to present the outcomes of this project.
How it works
Throughout six 24-hour Thinkathons in 12 different cities across Europe and Canada, online and on-site participants will work together to shape their society, building on different topics in a digital setting. Participants can choose between different working groups, each of which will focus on a different mission during the Thinkathon.
An expert will coach the working group in the chosen field, giving participants the opportunity to gain valuable insights and develop new skills.
At the end of the Thinkathon, they will have the chance to present their project and win a number of prizes.
Each 24-hour Thinkathon takes place in two cities at the same time, one in Canada and one in Europe and will focus on one of six topics that are linked to an inclusive digital society:
– 4-5 Oct. 2019: Montreal/Brussels Citizenship 4.0 – Deadline to register 2 October 2019.
– 29-30 Nov. 2019: Edmonton/Milan Social Relations – Deadline to register 27 November 2019.
– 8-12 June 2020: Vancouver/Madrid Smart & Fast Expanding Cities – Deadline to register 3 June 2020.
– Halifax/Tallinn
– 25-26 September 2020: Ottawa/Athens Education – Deadline to register 23 September 2020.
– 16-17 October 2020: Toronto/Frankfurt Culture & Entertainment – Deadline to register 14 October 2020.
Participants will have the chance to
– spend 24 hours in a challenging and exciting international work atmosphere
– learn best practices and see how your work will influence politics
– meet engaged people and build a network in Europe and Canada
– have a chance of being selected to represent their project in Europe during the final Thinkathon in Frankfurt, Germany, in October 2020 (travel costs & accommodation included).
Eligible applicants
– individuals aged between 18 and 30 years;
– living as permanent resident or citizen either in Europe or Canada; and
– registering online for the Thinkathon
How to participate
To take part on-site participants need to register and fill in the participation form. Based on their answers and motivation to take part, their background and intent they will be selected to be one of the 50 participants in either Canada or Europe. If they are not selected, they can still participate online.
Online participants
Online participants will be able to view the working group outcomes and submit comments, input and ideas during the event. To keep up with the cross-continent discussion, they will be able to join the live streaming sessions. To take part online attendees need to register and fill in the participation form.
Winners will be awarded with the following prizes
– Transportation, accommodation (three nights) and nine (9) basic meals to and during the final event in Frankfurt, Germany for in total 10 (5 in Europe and 5 in Canada) Participants as well as 2 (1 from Europe and 1 from Canada) online Participants. The onsite Participants of the last Thinkathon in Toronto/Frankfurt will receive a trip to Brussels, Belgium; Transportation, accommodation (three nights) and nine (9) basic meals.
– Three (3) different local professional experiences per Thinkathon in Europe and in Canada, in total six (6). Three Participants in Europe will be eligible for a professional experience in the respective European city where the Thinkathon takes place, three Participants in Canada will be eligible for a professional experience in the respective Canadian city. This will be further defined on an individual basis closer to each Thinkathon and depending on the availability of professional experiences.
– Every participant will receive a certificate of participation and giveaways.
Find out more here.