Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Together, Moving Forward

    Small grants programme run by the European Student Union (ESU) aiming at building positive refugee-host interactions across Europe.


    With this programme, ESU aims to inspire change and:

    • Reshape public discourse around forced migration and confront hate speech in our societies;
    • Inspire student-led initiatives addressing refugees’ and asylum seekers’ living conditions and not least their access to education;
    • Build capacity for student representatives to be more responsive to issues related to forced migration, focusing on social inclusion and access to education;
    • Empower National Student Unions to promote and advocate for clear policies that ease the access of refugees and asylum seekers to Higher Education;
    • Open up to new student groups and other stakeholders active on refugee issues, especially education;
    • Build long-lasting links between refugees, their communities, and student communities.


    The programme support student-led initiatives at local, national or European level.
    Applicants apply for any sum up to 10,000 EUR (or 12,000 EUR if there is a European component).


    Eligible projects
    should have a clear link with the objectives of the call:
    – show good understanding of the context and needs being addressed;
    – take on actions that are relevant to those needs;
    – be student-led or have a strong student participation
    – A very strong attention will be given to the effective inclusion of young people or students with refugee background in the project, and as much as possible in the decision-making processes.


    Who can apply
    – non-for profit (student) organisations, not just ESU members;
    – student-led groups;
    – ESU members;
    – local students’ unions, and
    – refugee-led or migrant-led organisations.

    How to apply
    Applicant organisations need to provide:
    –  Copies of their statutes as an organisation or a copy of their official registration in the country;
    – An audit report proving the soundness of their financial system or a copy of accounts covering the last financial year should they not have an audited version;
    – Informal group of students, can get in touch with a local or national union of students, or another established organisation and ask for their support.

    Application from a single individual will not be accepted.

    Deadline to apply: 16 February 2020, 23:59 CET.


    Find out more here.



    Call for projects: Students and Youth in Actions for World Refugee Day

    As part of World Refugee Day, on the 20th June 2021, and the joint Campaign “Students and Youth in Actions for World Refugee Day”, the  European Students’ Union and the Voices of Young Refugees in Europe are calling on student-led, youth-led groups and NGOs to support access to Higher Education for young refugees and to celebrate diversity and quality education for all.


    Who can apply

    • Non-for profit organisations working with students and youth

    • Student-led and Youth-led organisations, local students’ union, refugee-led or migrant-led organisations

    • Informal group of students motivated to organise an activity supporting the #15by30 message

    • Partnerships between organisations are encouraged with the aim of enlarging the scope, expertise and influence of each project.


    What can be funded

    • Student and youth-led initiatives at local, national or European level organising an activity supporting the #15by30 message

    • The activity should be student-led or youth-led or have a strong student/youth participation;

    • The inclusion of young people or students with refugee background in the project is essential.

    • The activity should be organised between the 1st and the 20th of June 2021.



    Selected activities will receive between 300 and 500 Euros depending on the type of activities and needs.
    The budget will be able to support the implementation of the activities and staff costs (maximum 30% of the overall budget).


    How to apply

    Applicants need to fill the application form providing a description of their project, what they want to accomplish, why, when and how, including relevant, precise information.


    Deadline: 16 May 2021, 23:59 CET.


    Read more here.