Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Supporting Confidence at 18 Seminar

    The Council of Europe has opened the call for participants willing to participate in ​a seminar on sharing practices of projects and initiatives in support of Young Refugees and Migrants in transition to adulthood.


    It will take place on 20-21 June 2024 at the European Youth Centre in Budapest, Hungary.


    What is it

    The seminar SUPPORTING CONFIDENCE AT 18 aims at reassessing the current needs and situations faced by young refugees and migrants in transition to adulthood and supporting advocacy and practice to implement the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers on Supporting Young Refugees in Transition to Adulthood.


    Eligible applicants must be

    • resident in one of the state parties to the European Cultural Convention;
    • committed to uphold and advocate for the rights of young migrants and refugees;
    • under 30 years of age;
    • able to work autonomously in English;
    • affiliated with a relevant youth organisation, youth centre, NGO or public institution.


    Travel expenses and visa fees for the training seminar in Budapest will be reimbursed according to the rules of the Council of Europe.

    Board and lodging for the seminar will be provided and paid for by the Council of Europe at the European Youth Centre Budapest.


    Apply here.


    Deadline: 5 May 2024, 23.59 (CET)


    Read more here.