Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    MEDIA (2007-2013) - Training

    This is a training programme for professionals in the European audio-visual programme industry. It intends to help people in the audio-visual industry to adapt to the European and international dimension of the market by promoting continuous vocational training and the use of new technologies.

    The operational objectives of the MEDIA Training are:
    1. Strengthen the skills of European audiovisual professionals in order to improve the quality and potential of European audiovisual works. The programme will support action in the following areas:

  • Training in new audiovisual technologies – develop the professionals’ capacity to use digital technologies, in particular in their work fields.
    Implementation of new technologies in audiovisual activities:
    – production (e.g. digital production, 3D animation, HDTV) ;
    – post-production e.g. visual/special effects;
    – distribution: new channels for distribution of films for TV and cinema;
    – marketing: using new media to promote audiovisual works( i.e. Internet, mobile phones);
    – new markets (Internet, mobile phones, 3D Cinema…);
    – restoration and conservation technologies.
    New (interactive) media
    – writing/conception for new media (interactive narration techniques);
    – pre-production for new media (conception, technology, including interface design and interactivity design);
    – production (technology, team management);
    – management (financing, legal issues, budgeting);
    – distribution (business models, billing systems, localisation /internationalisation);
    – new technologies – new markets – new audiences (platform specific), e.g. DVD, internet, PC, ITV (with or without decoder boxes), multi-platform, cross platform.

  • Training in economic, financial and commercial management – to develop the professionals’ ability to grasp and integrate the European dimension into their work by improving expertise in the following fields:
    – business skills (such as management, accounting, marketing, pitching and presentation);
    – production;
    – distribution/exhibition;
    – legal and financial aspects of co-production;
    – understanding international markets;
    – networking and accessing international markets.

  • Training in script project development – to enable experienced scriptwriters to improve their capacities to develop techniques based on traditional and interactive methods of writing, notably in the fields of:
    – identifying target audiences;
    – international standards of scriptwriting and script presentation;
    – creative collaboration between writers, script editors, producers, directors, DOPs.

    2. Improve the European dimension of audiovisual training activities: encourage exchanges and cooperation, in supporting the networking between existing training institutions and partners of the professional sector and the training activities for trainers.

    Priority for this call (EACEA/5/12): Improving the continuous vocational training of professionals in the audiovisual sector, so as to give them the know-how and skills needed to create competitive products on the European and other markets.

    The maximum amount available under this call for proposals is EUR 7 000 000.
    The financial support from the Commission cannot exceed 50 % or 60 % of the total eligible costs.

    Eligible Target Groups:

  • Students from film schools or from any other Higher education institutions where skills / competences applying to the audiovisual sector are taught (for instance: business schools in case of future producers)
  • Trainers from film schools or from any other Higher education institutions where skills / competences applying to the audiovisual sector are taught

    How to apply:

  • the programme is open to film and television schools, universities, specialist vocational training establishments, private companies from the industry and organisations/professional associations specialising in the audiovisual sector; Applications from individuals are not accepted.
  • eligible applicant consortium: applicants must take the form of pan-European consortia, which must be composed of at least 3 organisations, including minimum 3 Higher education institutions, and coming from at least 3 countries participating in the MEDIA Programme.
  • contact the Media Desk or Antennae in your country for further help:

    Countries eligible to apply:
    – 27 EU Member States
    – EEA and EFTA countries: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland
    – Croatia
    – Bosnia and Herzegovina

    – was 29 April 2011 (Initial training)
    – was 16 April 2012 (Continuous training)

    We will keep you informed when a new call is published.