Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    European Youth Foundation - Grants

    The European Youth Foundation (EYF) is a fund established by the Council of Europe to provide financial support for European youth activities. It encourages co-operation among young people in Europe by providing financial support to youth activities promoting peace, understanding and co-operation in a spirit of respect for human rights, democracy, tolerance and solidarity.


    There are four kinds of grants open to different types of organisations: international activities (open to international, national, regional, NGOs/networks), annual work plans (open to international NGOs/networks), pilot activities (open to local, national, regional NGOs/networks), structural grants (open to international and regional NGOs/networks).

    Projects must fall under the Council of Europe’s Youth Sector Priorities for 2024/2027.

    1. Revitalising pluralistic democracy
    2. Young people’s access to rights
    3. Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies
    4. Youth work
    5. Developing and strengthening youth policy based on Council of Europe standards.


    The EYF may support the following operations:

    A. International activity – including meetings of young people or youth leaders in Europe to promote participation and intercultural learning. Participants must represent at least 7 Council of Europe member states. It has to be run by an international team (4 nationalities represented in the project team). The EYF will cover up to two-thirds of the total cost. Maximum grant: € 25,000.

    B. Annual work plan – including a series of activities over one year, interconnected and which contribute to the same broader aim. Each activity/element should contribute to the aim of the work plan and the accomplishments of the work plan as a whole should contribute to the global purpose of the organisation. These activities would be part of and support your NGO’s strategy or action plan for the coming years. Maximum grant: € 60,000.

    C. Structural grant for 2 consecutive years – The European Youth Foundation may, every 2 years, grant international non-governmental youth organisations or networks a contribution to cover part of the general administrative costs involved in running their activities at European level. Maximum annual grant: € 30,000 per year for 2 years (i.e. a maximum of €60,000 for 2 years).

    D. Pilot activities – including youth meetings, capacity building sessions, awareness raising actions, meetings with experts, local workshops, local actions, visits, campaigns, workshops in schools, festivals etc.  The maximum duration of a pilot activity project can be up to one year. The project must start at least 3 months after the deadline. The maximum grant is €15 000.


    Who can apply

    International non-governmental youth organisationsinternational networks of youth NGOsregional networks of youth NGOsnational non-governmental youth organisations , from the European Cultural Convention (the 46 member states of the Council of Europe plus Belarus, Kazakhstan, the Holy See and the Russian Federation).




    1 April (midnight CET) for:

    – International activities taking place between 1 January and 30 June (1st half of the following year)

    – Annual Work plan for following year 

    1 October (midnight CET) for:

    – International activities taking place between 1 April and 31 December (2nd half of the following year)

    – Annual Work plan for following year 

    – One-off structural grants for following year (regional network)

    1 October 2025 (midnight CET) for:

    – 2-year structural grant for 2026-2027 (international NGOs/networks)

    Cut-off dates for pilot activities

    The next deadline date for pilot activities applications: 15 January 2024, 15 May 2024.


    The EYF will not process any new NGO registrations 2 weeks before the deadlines of April and October.


    Find out more here.