Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    European Parliament Educators Event

    The European Parliament is organising the second Educators event, bringing together formal and non-formal educators who are active in teaching European and active citizenship to young people.

    The will bring together 100 participants (50 non-formal educators and 50 formal educators) and will take place in a fully participatory format on 23 November 2023 at the European Parliament in Brussels, Belgium.


    Who can apply

    Any person using non-formal education to teach European and active citizenship to young people in the EU. 

    Traditional educators will be selected via the EP Liaison Offices in EU Member States.

    The language of the event is English.


    Travel and accommodation costs are covered (arrival 22 November, departure 24 November). 


    Deadline: 15 October 2023, 23:30 CET.


    Read more here.