Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    EU-LISA Internship

    The European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA) offers paid internships for recent university graduates who are at the beginning of their professional career.

    Internships for university graduates are intended to enable interns to supplement their knowledge with EU policies, activities and procedures as well as those of eu-LISA.


    Who can apply

    • Nationals of EU Member States or Schengen Associated Countries
    • at least 3 years (6 semesters) of higher education course (university education or studies equivalent to university) or obtained the relevant degree (minimum a Bachelor or its equivalent) by the closing date for applications;
    • at least C1 English knowledge.


    For more specific on the eligibility criteria, please check the vacancy notices.



    A monthly maintenance grant is given, which is 1/3 of the basic gross remuneration received by an official at the grade AD5/1 and already weighted by the correction coefficient (for Tallinn, Estonia 98.9%).

    It is expected to start as soon as possible and to last for 6 months, with a possibility of 6-month extension;


    Starting date

    16 October 2024

    16 November 2024



    How to apply

    – Applicants should register here;

    – Applicants may be contacted by e‐mail, telephone and/or Skype.


    Deadlines: 22 July 2024, 23:59 CEST.


    Read more here