Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes
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DiscoverEU Inclusion Action

Under the Discover EU Inclusion Action, organisations and informal groups of young people can receive extra support to carry out projects allowing young people with fewer opportunities to participate in DiscoverEU on equal footing with their peers.

DiscoverEU offers young people who are between 18 and 21 years’ old a chance to have a short-term individual or group experience travelling across Europe by rail or other modes of transport where necessary.

More specifically, DiscoverEU aims to

  • inspire young people to embrace sustainable travel in particular and environmental conscience in general.
  • give young people the chance to learn about Europe but also to discover Europe’s opportunities for their future education and life choices;
  • equip young people with knowledge, life skills and competences of value to them;
  • encourage connection and intercultural dialogue between young people;
  • foster young people’s sense of belonging to the European Union;


DiscoverEU Inclusion Action aims to:

  • Reach out to young people with fewer opportunities that would not apply on their own initiative;
  • Overcome the obstacles that prevent these young people to directly participate in the DiscoverEU general application round and provide the necessary support that they need so that they are able to travel;
  • Trigger and enhance the development of competences and skills of young people with fewer opportunities taking part in DiscoverEU.


How it works

With the DiscoverEU Inclusion Action, one to five young people with fewer opportunities from the same country gather for a short period to travel through Europe.

The learning period comprises planning, preparation, and implementation before and during the DiscoverEU travel as well as follow-up after the travel.



  • Non-profit organisation, association, NGO; public body at local, regional, and national level; social enterprise; profit-making body active in Corporate Social Responsibility; informal group of young people (at least four young people between 18 and 30 years old. One of the members of the group assumes the role of representative. One participating organisation must be involved in the project.
  • Established in an EU Member State or third country associated to the Programme.
  • The same organisation cannot be involved in more than 5 applications per deadline, either as applicant or partner.


Duration of project: From 3 up to 24 months.


Who can participate: 

Young people with fewer opportunities aged 18 and legally residents in the countries of their sending organisation. Minimum 1 and maximum 5 participants per DiscoverEU travel (Group leaders, facilitators and accompanying persons not included).

Groups can travel alone or can be accompanied.

Group leaders, facilitators or accompanying persons must be at least 18 years old.


Duration of the DiscoverEU travel: From 1 to 30 days. Several travels (with 1-5 participants and eventually accompanying person(s) each time) can be organised during the project lifecycle.

Travels must take place in minimum one other country different from where the participant(s) started their travel.


How to apply:

Applicants need to submit their application to the National Agency of the country in which the applicant organisation is established.


Deadline: 12 February 2025 at 12:00:00, midday Brussels time, for projects starting between 1 July and 31 March of the following year.


Possible additional deadline: 1 October at 12:00:00, midday Brussels time, for projects starting between 1 March of the same year and 31 August of the following year.


For further support, please check the section C of the Ersamus+ programme guide.