Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Call for Activities - European Youth Centres

    The Youth Department of the Council of Europe invites non-governmental youth organisations, networks, and other non-governmental structures involved in areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe’s youth policy to submit applications for activities to be held in co-operation with the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg and Budapest.

    The study sessions are organised in co-operation with youth organisations and networks and the Council of Europe’s Youth Department and are hosted by one of the European Youth Centres.



    – European/International non-governmental youth organisations with partners or branches in at least 8 European countries;

    – European formal or informal networks of youth organisations and other non- governmental youth structures bringing together partners from at least 8 European countries; networks are considered eligible if their members or affiliates share a common purpose and long-term aims and their commitment for cooperation clearly goes beyond a specific time, project or activity;

    – Sub-regional networks of youth organisations and/or national youth councils and structures involved in youth work, from at least 5 neighbouring countries

    Applicants should be involved in areas of youth work relevant to the Council of Europe’s youth policy and interested in contributing to the work priorities 2022-2025 and principles of the Council of Europe’s youth field.


    Eligible activities

    International youth events/seminars/study sessions lasting between 4 and 8 days, which bring together members of youth organisations or networks and experts for discussions on a specific subject relevant to the priorities and programmes of the Council of Europe Youth sector. 

    Activities should fall within the following priorities:

    • Revitalising pluralistic democracy
    • Young people’s access to rights
    • Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies
    • Youth work
    • Intergovernmental co-operation on youth policy



    – 15 April, for activities planned for January-June of the following year

    – 15 October, for activities planned for July-December of the following year.


    Read more here.