Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes


    The call for proposals, launched under the “EUTeens4Green- A new Generation of Young Ambassadors for a just inclusive Transition” project, offers financial support of up to €10,000 to young people aged 15-24 (individuals, groups of youngsters, or youth associations) willing to run actions in their community to increase the participation of people affected by the shift to a green economy in one of the EU Just Transition regions.

    The aim of this call is to help “less exposed people” (“less exposed people” are understood as target groups less exposed to the benefits of the green transition or with fewer resources or opportunities to identify the needs required to adapt to these challenges and be able to participate in the definition of actions for a sustainable transition) in the Just Transition Fund regions be better equipped to face the challenges of the transition to carbon neutrality.

    In order to be eligible, applications must be presented by a single applicant meeting the following criteria:

    • Individuals or group of individuals aged 15-24 or
    • Non-profit organisations (private or public) provided that youngsters or members of the association involved in the project are aged 15-24
    • Be resident or established in one of the 27 EU Member States
    • Selected applicants will be “Young Ambassadors for a just inclusive Transition”. They will sign a “participation agreement” with the consortium to receive funding for their projects
    • Participants should be able to communicate in English.

    Eligible projects
    Projects may cover one or more activities and topics, provided that they clearly promote participation in the green transition of the target groups.
    Activities include (non-exhaustive list):

    • Awareness-raising/communication activities
    • Capacity-building actions (education, training, mentoring, events)
    • Campaigning and advocacy activities
    • Participatory processes aimed to engage with different groups of people
    • Innovative solutions or pilots for testing innovative solutions
    • Exchange of good practices
    • Research
    • Other activities in line with the scope of the action

    Topics include (non-exhaustive list):

    • Climate literacy training/promotion
    • Promoting sustainable urban areas
    • Promoting sustainable habits and consumption patterns
    • Well-being and healthy lifestyles
    • Actions to fight pollution and carbon footprint
    • Sustainable agriculture, food habits, and seasonal food
    • Intergenerational projects (or actions to foster connections between generations)
    • Clean-ups, urban gardening
    • Green mobility

    Projects are expected to be collaborative and have an impact on the community they are targeting. The project activities should be exemplary, innovative, experimental, and/or scalable to comparable actions/projects in other European countries and/or on another level (local, national, or another area). Participants will meet virtually to exchange with other selected project owners throughout the different phases of project implementation. Local mentors will guide and support selected participants throughout their journey providing them with operational, technical, or financial advice.

    Project duration
    The implementation of the projects should begin in 2023 and not exceed 12 months.

    Funding: €10,000

    Deadline: 9 January 2023, 17:00 CET.

    Read more here.