Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Young Journalists German Baltic Conf

    The German-Baltic Future Foundation is inviting 5 aspiring journalists interested in gaining hands-on experience and in reporting on discussions and collaborations between young people and youth organisations at the annual German-Baltic Conference (GBC) to take place in Vilnius, (Lithuania) on 24-27 October 2024.


    Early-career journalists, students or passionate individuals in journalism, communications, or other related fields between 16-30 years old and residing in Europe.

    Interested in journalism and the topics covered by the conference (AI; Youth Exchange, Representation, and Participation)

    Proficient in English.

    What they get

    ● Full Conference Pass.

    ● Up to 200 EUR for travel expenses.

    ● Free lodging and meals during the conference.

    ● Visibility and Networking

    Deadline: 11 August 2024.

    Read more here.