Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Map the Chart

    The European Students’ Union, in collaboration with the Council of Europe, is organising the study session “Map the Chart.”

    The event aims to provide participants with the tools to enhance their knowledge and capacity to develop their Students’ Rights Charter.

    The study session specific objectives:

    • Raise awareness of the importance of youth participation in different countries.
    • Familiarise participants with the ESU Students’ Rights Charter.
    • Equip students with the competencies needed to design their national campaigns for a Student Rights Charter.
    • Encourage cooperation among students.

    How it works

    20 participants will be selected to join the event in Strasbourg from 2-8 March 2025.

    The is a participation fee of 50 EURO; travel and accommodation are covered.

    Deadline: 5 January 2025.

    Read more here.