Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Human Rights: Camera, Action!

    In celebration of the Council of Europe’s 75th anniversary, young non-professional photographers and filmmakers are welcome to showcase their vision of human rights today through photos and videos on Instagram.


    To participate, you must be up to 26 years old (included)

    non-professional in photography or filmmaking,

    national or resident of one of the Council of Europe member states.

    How to participate

    Share images and videos on your Instagram account depicting human rights, their place in daily life, and your vision for the future of human rights in Europe in the following categories: ‘Best photograph’, ’Best video’, ‘Best AI-generated image’, and ‘Best AI-generated reel.’

    Tag the Council of Europe’s official Instagram account (@councilofeurope) and use the unique hashtags #CoE75 ; #75CoECompetition ; #75CoECompetition­_AI.


    Winning submissions will be displayed at the Council of Europe headquarters, and featured on their websites and social media, and participants will receive diplomas. Four winners will attend the World Forum for Democracy 2024 and other Council of Europe events.

    Deadline: 31 July 2024. 

    Read more here.