Offre de l'Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes

    Eurodesk Youth Information Survey

    Eurodesk’s main aim is to provide young people with quality and easily accessible information about international opportunities. To continuously improve its offer and respond more effectively to the needs of young people seeking information, the Eurodesk Survey asks all those aged between 13 and 35 years old from all over Europe about their experience searching for mobility information.

    • What type of information are you looking for?
    • Which sources are you using?
    • Who do you turn to for advice?

    Your answers will allow Eurodesk, as well as national and European institutions, to improve their services. Each week, we will randomly select one participant to win a 50€ voucher prize!

    Fill in the survey by 30 November 2024 and tell us about your experience searching for information about opportunities abroad.

    Read more here.